March diet for the summer

Created By  manifestingSeunghanRIIZEcb on Sat Apr 27 2024 19:47:23 GMT +0000 (GMT+0000)



Just came here to tell you that at the start of March I'm going to be on a self-imposed diet , and if I can get through March without breaking my diet then I'll do the diet in March , until I get a flor stomach . I am currently most likely in the low 200s because the liast time I checked my weight I was 199 lbs . While I know most of my weight has come from my body type , bone density , and all the other stuff like muscles and organs , I decided to put my self on a diet . For now on for every day in March I will eat only an apple , and for lunch I will either eat an apple or nothing at all . And when it comes to dinner , I don't eat dinner unless someone makes food or buys it , so that will be easy . And on weekends I just won't eat nothing at all , and I am fine with this because my big ass needs to lose enough weight for me to be confident enough to wear crop tops and go down from an XL to a Medium . This sh*t will suck but my desire to get rid of my excess stomach fat is stronger than my urge to overeat .
I know that what I'm doing is not really safe or healthy but if I want to lose a lot of weight then I'll have to go to extreme measures

And I know the risks of doing this and I know that this can backfire on me really hard but for anybody who wants to try and change my mind here is a message : 

I'm tired of seeing myself in the mirror and looking at my stomach because it looks like this And a disclaimer : I do not think that I am ugly , I actually think that I am quite pretty . But if I want to lose thirty pounds by the next school year , then drastic measures shall be taken . I guess I'll give y'all an update at the end of March I guess .